Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) is one of Israel’s 7 universities and institutes of advanced studies that perform advanced research in the various areas of science and technology. BGU, currently 20,000 students, confers the degrees of: BSc (BA), MSc (MA) and PhD (MD) upon suitably qualified students. BGU’s Sede Boqer campus contains Israel’s National Solar Energy Center, where it is planned to perform this participant’s contributions to the proposed project.
BGU, due to its vast experience in the management of research and demonstration projects, will be part with ENEA and UPM of the Scientific Board that will support the Project Coordinator in the scientific management of ECOSOLE. BGU will be involved in the following tasks: characterization of components fabricated by the other partners in the proposed project; Installation and performance assessment of system(s) to be developed within the project; Modeling, simulation and validation of computer code against monitored field data from system(s).
The BGU principal investigator has 35 years of solar energy experience. He has been involved in instrument development and testing (Project SOLGRID (1995-1997, FP3) in the field characterization of PV components (e.g. Project MAPSC (1998-2000, FP4), of PV modules (e.g. Project PERFORMANCE (2006-2009, FP6), of CPV systems [e.g. Project HICONPV (2004-2006, FP5)]; and several non-European projects. A sample of recent papers includes:
1. D. Berman, D. Faiman and B. Farhi. “Sinusoidal spectral correction for high-precision outdoor module characterization”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells58 (1999) 253-264.
2. D. Faiman, S. Jacob and A. Karnieli. “Concerning the relationship between clear-sky, global and direct- beam, solar spectra” Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2002; 10:527-532.
3. D. Faiman et al.”A field method for determining the efficiency of each face of a bi-facial photovoltaic module”. Proc. 3rd World PV Conf. Osaka, Japan. May 12-16,2003.
4. D. Faiman. “Assessing the outdoor operating temperature of photovoltaic modules”. Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2008; 16:307-317.
5. A.A. Solomon, D. Faiman, G. Meron. “The effects on grid matching and ramping requirements, of single and distributed PV systems employing various fixed and sun-tracking technologies” Energy Policy38 (2010) 5469-5481.